Billie eilish album cover
Billie eilish album cover

“Miel, he should be around here,” his fingers stopped. The butler was the one to conduct the entire order for their table. Still with his laptop on his hand, he gestured the butler to pick an order. The black car finally parked in front of a restaurant and the passengers walked out of it. Restaurant, spa, herbal medicine and other healthcares were open.

billie eilish album cover

There are also many shops building out of cream bricks. Colourful cloth become the rooftop of each stand. It was a small town with many street market along the road. “Really? Then I will be the brother that will continue to amaze you.”Īfter hours of drive in the mountain, it finally arrived in a town. We got this far because of you,” she leaned to the left as she take a look at the laptop screen,”every time, It still amaze me how you could do this,” as she said referring to what she saw on the screen. We still gotta look for him after that,” his fingers didn’t stop moving from the keyboard, “sorry, I was no better help.” Don’t expect to meet him after we arrive. There, inside the black car, five men where steady on their position, trained to be ready to welcome whatever may come.Ī maiden in the middle seat ask her brother, who’s eyes glued on the laptop in front of him, as she started to feel iffy after four hours of drive. The sky was circled by little clouds as the little young moon appeared on the middle. It was a clear Saturday as a black car skirted on the mountains road. I’d like to think I was able to provide the normal condition for her. Aside from her power, Alluka was just like a normal kid with a normal necessity. It is to keep Alluka safe and live together. I didn’t have it before and only followed Gon to find his father before, but now I did have that one thing. Maybe living with Alluka was the meaning of life for me. With Alluka, I was able to materialised the life I wanted to lead and being together had given it handful of meaning. What is it to be alive and well, is it the life I wanted ever since I left home. I’d embrace this thought that I couldn’t voice out. It was not much conflicting in a revolving loop but it filled my head in the daylight. Memories that I explore because there were no such place to fit it in. I don’t like keeping a diary so I mulled over my thoughts in my head alone. Many new places offered us entertainment. Many sights and attractions we had visited.

billie eilish album cover billie eilish album cover

Together with Alluka, I had seen parts of the world I couldn’t before. After going independently from Gon, I have a lot I considered, things I never thought about, since I have the entire time on my own now. It’s because I didn’t think of that matter by choice. Recently, I thought over this matter more than I’d like to repeat a favourite song of my choice. Timeline : this timeline happen after Gon and Killua separated and before the Genei Ryodan is embarking on the ship towards the Dark Continent.

Billie eilish album cover