
If you hover the mouse cursor over the icon it will give you additional info about what your stockpile limit is, how many iron you are accumulating per turn and how you’re getting the resource, such as from improvements like a mine. It will have a number to the right of it telling you how many iron resources are at your disposal. In the top ribbon of icons there will be an icon that is an anvil. You can check the status of your Iron income and the amount of iron you have on-hand at the top of the screen. So if you want to push your neighbors around, Machinery leads to more powerful units like the Crossbowman. Not only can you use Iron to create more powerful military units, it is also used for Machinery, which is actually another improvement for your military.
For example, it takes 20 iron to produce a Swordsman or to upgrade a Warrior to a Swordsman. You get two iron per resource mined, per turn, and it can be stockpiled until you have enough to build a unit. One thing that is distinctive about iron is that it gives a science boost of 1 per turn when mined and it is one of the few resources that does that. Iron is needed to build the heavier, early military units in the game. The resource needs to be within a city’s limits. Once an iron resource is revealed you start accumulating it by having a builder construct a mine on the tile containing the resource. To start getting iron you first need to research Bronze Working which is available after Mining has been researched. If going to war in the early game having iron can make a big difference in the outcome. Iron is most frequently found in hills terrain but since the recent game expansions it is much more scarce than it originally was. Once that’s done iron will appear on your map as an available resource. Before you can have access to iron you need to research the right technologies first.